The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) Provides Interesting Clues in Maintaining Weight Loss!

Feb 23, 2019
Dr. Pavi Kundhal
The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) Provides Interesting Clues in Maintaining Weight Loss! - Peel Weight Loss Clinic Blog
The NWCR is a large database that collects data on patients who have successfully lost weight of at least 30 lbs and have kept it off for at least a year.

The average weight loss registry member has lost 66 lbs and maintained the weight loss for 5.5 years on average!!

Key findings of successful people who have lost and maintained there weight loss include:

  1. 78% have breakfast daily
  2. 62% watch less than 10 hours of television daily
  3. 90% exercise at least an hour daily
  4. 75% weigh themselves at least once weekly.

These findings provide important insights into maintaining weight loss such as not skipping meals and minimizing sedentary activities.

Source: The National Weight Control Registry

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