Peel Weight Loss Clinic Blog

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5 Delicious Smoothies to Help You Lose Weight

5 Delicious Smoothies to Help You Lose Weight

5 Delicious Smoothies to Help You Lose WeightFeb 24, 2017Dr. Pavi KundhalWeight loss tactics, especially when it comes to diet, can be very tricky at times. Fruit juices were once considered a healthy diet option but now because of their high sugar and low fiber...

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Do zero calorie colas help you lose weight?

Do zero calorie colas help you lose weight?

Do zero calorie colas help you lose weight?Dec 16, 2016Dr. Pavi KundhalComparing Zero Calorie Sweeteners with Sugar on Calorie intake. This month in the International Journal of Obesity, a study aimed to determine whether substituting sugar with Zero-calorie...

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Are you ready to start a weight loss program?

Are you ready to start a weight loss program?

Are you ready to start a weight loss program?Jul 18, 2016Dr. Pavi KundhalSuccess cannot be achieved without motivation, a positive attitude and clear goals. At the Peel Weight Loss Clinic Clinic we want you to succeed on OPTIFAST®. Your success motivates and energizes...

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